TV 1

Students use cameras, microphones and graphics to create content and tell stories. 

TV1 covers pre-production planning, camera use, lighting, and sound recording techniques, as well as electronic editing and graphics.

Getting Started:

Goal Setting

Class Policies (signed by parents)

Shawnee Wake Up... TV 1 Studio Project

The first television studio project for the Media Television Technology I students is a mock news broadcast of our Shawnee Wake Up. During filming of this project, students learn how to operate various pieces of studio equipment and also how to perform the tasks of television studio personnel.

Live Production

Video Scavenger Hunt

Students practice camera setup and technique by framing and using camera movement.


Framing Classwork

Video Scavenger Hunt Shot Sheet


FCPX: Create a library, event, import, then edit. After approval, export for YouTube.

Extra Credit

Criteria for Success/Rubric

New Year Goals

Handshake Project

Students plan how to film 2 people shaking hands and practice editing with different pacing.

Bench Story

Students plan and produce their first shooting project with the premise, "two people meet on a bench and something happens." This story is shot without sound and students create a soundtrack and sound design.

Project Objectives


Sample Production Schedule


Communication Theory

Students define communication and draw and describe the components of 2 basic communication theory models. Students will take a quiz to assess understanding.

Notes P1

Notes P3 2011

Notes P3

Notes 9-10

Notes 11-12

Advertising Techniques

Students define and discuss different techniques used in advertising and watch examples. There is a quiz for assessment.

Quiz Pd 3

Radio Commercials 

Students make a radio commercial for their first class project. They work in pairs to write and produce a thirty second commercial. A single product is selected for all TV 1 classes, but within each class, groups select a different target audience for their commercial. This year's product was Apple iPad.

Radio Commercial Project Objectives

Sound Production- Adobe Audition

Beatbox Project

How to set up a voice over session...

Special Project

What is Sound?

Students define and discuss the properties of audio and the technology to capture and reproduce it.

Electromagnetic Spectrum


Audio Drawing

What does sound look like?

Sound- Sampling and Playback. How Speakers and Microphones Work.

Audio Vocabulary

Audio Quiz

Educational Service Announcement

Students create an educational service announcement with a goal to convey, demonstrate or inform a mass teen audience about a particular topic.



Aliens Invade Shawnee High School

Students use all the skills learned throughout the year along with blue screen keying, composite editing and special effects to produce a short sci-fi film.

Project Objectives

Alien Invasion Rubric

Final: Chroma Key and Masking

Student Wiki

The Final:

Student Portfolios

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