Lighting Objectives


Watch this video.

Next create a Google Doc.  Name it "Last Name Lighting Notes"

First explain the inverse square law.  Next, list each light discussed by its proper name used in the video.  Next to each light name, note what the light does to the image as described in video.

When finished, insert a drawing below the notes.  Draw the birds eye view floor plan of the room.  Draw the correct position for each light, the camera, subject, and background.

After we approve and discuss the notes we will set up a similar bust shot in our studio with our lights.

Lighting Objective 1


Next identify the lighting equipment in our studio and discuss how we can use them for high and low key lighting in different productions.

Watch this:

Next read this:

Discuss the take-aways and try it out in studio.

Finally, each class will shoot a high key and low key sequence.

You will be able to explain the difference between high and low contrast lighting.  You will use the lighting equipment and proper terms and techniques to achieve different looks that we will capture in HD then edit.

Extra Reading:  Lighting Director/Roadie Blog

Beauty Lighting a Car:


Also watch this and check out the notes below:

LightLikeAPro (1).mp4
Light Like a Pro Notes


Advanced Lighting


Lighting Project