Model Studio Shoot Project

1.Project Research and Inspiration

Make a copy of the doc below and work on it.  Check in with the teacher to discuss idea, model, inspiration image, lens, depth of field, studio and lighting plan.

Portrait Project Planning2

2. Planning and Model Scheduling

Consider a model that you may not know well and has an interesting look.  Send an email, text, snap, or speak in person, but follow up with something in writing, preferably an email confirming the date and time.  

There are a few things to include in any planning corespondence.

Keep it brief, but formal. Use proper spelling, punctuation and their name.  Don't assume they are interested or available, be humble.  Give your availability (time, class, day, date) and ask for theirs.  

Check with Mr. Pistone before sending and include him (and your partner) in the CC (carbon copy) line of the email.


The following message was sent by an LRHSD Student


From: Student

To: Student

Subject: Studio Photography Project

Hi (Name),

My name is (first and last name) and I am working on a Studio Photography Project for Mr. Pistone's class.  I would like to know if you would like to be photographed for my project.  I am available (day)(time)(class period) or after school on Wednesday and Thursday.  If you are available, what would be a good day and time?   Please "reply all" so Mr. Pistone can see our correspondence.

Thank you,

(first and last name)

3. Model Direction Training Prior to Shoot Day

Watch this video for ideas on how to "direct" your model on your shoot day.

4.  Studio Lighting and Shooting

Design your set and lights.  You may need a day to figure out your look before you work with your model.  Consider height, types of shots (vertical, horizontal, full body, close up) Consider backgrounds.  Consider "gaffing" with c-stands.  Check in with the teacher for final approval.

5. Post Processing Tutorials (3) and Submission to Portfolio

1.Submit your contact sheet to your portfolio (print tab in lightroom) 

2. Then use Lightroom to retouch your best work and add that to the portfolio.  

3. Next work on the pink and teal tutorial, you can use the same photo or choose a photo from the one light Portrait Lighting Assignment.  This will be done in Photoshop.

4. Pick 2 more tutorials to further style your image.  You may choose different images if you'd like.

Pink and Teal Tutorial

Pick 2 Tutorials and Other Tutorials for Help...