Learning Map

The wiki is set up to support and guide different goals and levels of skill.  You can click around in different sections of interest or go linear leading further down the path of what you are trying to learn while making media for your portfolio.  It's always a work in progress, so there will be frequent updates.  You continue choosing and working through projects in any order for all 3 or 4 years in this program if you choose to continue.  

This page prioritizes larger overarching goals at the top, as smaller skill-based objectives have the potential to consume a disproportionate amount of your time.  Plan to include some bigger goals each year.  Watch this video on goal prioritization. 

With that in mind, this page layout is intentionally in reverse order.  You can start at the bottom and work to the top, but it's crucial to recognize that the content at the top holds greater significance and deserves your attention as well.

Love and serve.

In a world often marked by its complexities, one of the highest aspirations is to "love and serve." It's about recognizing the fundamental human values that connect us all, like compassion, kindness, and empathy. To love and serve means to contribute positively to the well-being of others and the world at large. It's a universal calling that can guide us in our interactions, inspiring us to lend a helping hand, offer a kind word, or simply be there for someone in need. The act of loving and serving can be a powerful force for positive change, fostering connections, and making the world a better place for everyone.

3. Careers- Earn Income


3. Contests and Awards:

6.Film Festivals 

5.Student Emmy Awards 

4.Student Television Network 

3.STV Gold Producer Award 

2.Burlington County/NJ Teen Arts 

1.LDTV Awards 

We also have a Shawnee Art Show to showcase your media and photography similar to a gallery setting.

2. Certifications

2.Adobe Certification 

What certifications exist for your career?

We also have a technology honor society if you take 2 years and have a B or above average.

1.Club Experiences

1a.Daily Live Crew-Renegade Morning Show, Wake Up 

1b.RMS Segment Producers 

1c.Sports Broadcasting 

1d.Graphic Designers 

1e.Shawnee Live Event Producers 

1f.Set Design

1g.Lighting Design

1h. Music Production, Mixing and Sound Design

Photo Club

1.Learning Paths