Chroma Keying and Masking

Composite video: video in layers stacked on top of each other to create an overall video effect.

Final Mastery Objectives:

You will be able to use proper file management.  

You will be able to key or mask away the blue background and composite above a background layer.

You will be able to share your work on your portfolio and send an appropriate email with a direct link to the information.


Each group member will:

1. Copy the files from the server from your group, paste on your Lacie drive, rename the folder DateLastNameFinal, save the project correctly in the folder, set the scratch disk to the folder.

2. Clean Keying-follow the tutorial below.  

3.  Export Quicktime conversion, mpeg4, aac.  The video must be exported to your folder, uploaded to youtube, then embedded properly in your Blogger page (Title the blog post "Final"). You also must take a screenshot (in your finder) of the project folder to show all the proper files are in it (hold command + shift + 4 and the photo will appear on the desktop).  This will also be uploaded in the same blog post as the video, click the image upload icon and find your screenshot file on the desktop.   Email the direct link to the blog post (make sure you click on the blog title, then copy the direct url.)

You can create composite effects simply by using chroma key:

Chroma Key Tutorial

and masking:

Masking Tutorial

Last step (10pts) click this.  Then click file>make a copy.  Rename DateLastnameFinal. Fill in the point value you think you earned. Click share button and add or .