FCPX Setup

You will: Transfer the footage from your SD card into “Final Cut Pro” to a “Library” you create on the iMac Lacie Drive.

1.Create a “Library” in FCPX on Lacie Drive.  name it all caps "FIRSTLAST23-24"

2. Create an “Event” in FCPX.  name it "9-23-23AudioVideoTesting"

3. Create a "Project" in FCPX.  name it "9-23-23AudioVideoTestingProject"

4. Import audio and video.

5. Check with Mr. P for approval.

6. Edit.  Check with Mr. P for approval.

7. Export and add to your portfolio.

Setting Up FCPX- Library, Event, Project, Import Media

Fixing and Mastering Audio

MasteringAudioForFirstClassVideo: Sep 22, 2022 2:40 PM.webm


0-:34 Check Finder for Lacie Drive

0:35-3:54 Make a New Folder on the Lacie Drive and how to name it.

3:55- 3 ways to make a folder

4:35- setting mouse prefs for right click

5:08- Make a folder on Drive, Download the whole folder to Downloads

5 :32- Copy the zip folder and Paste to the Lacie Drive in the folder (Command + C, Command + V) 

6:06- Changing Finder Views to find files FAST!

6:49 - Double Click the zip file to turn into folder

7:36- Use spacebar to preview in Finder

7:54- Find FCPX in Applications and drag to Dock, add other apps to Dock

8:56- Open FCPX

9:31- Set up the FCPX Library, save it on the Lacie Drive

11:23 Close the “untitled” Library so it’s not confusing

11:36 Create a new Event, name it specific to the purpose, keep the date

12:07 Create a Project in the event, name it specific to the purpose, keep the date

12:58 Move an event to trash

13:18 Import Media

15:59 Selecting file modifier keys

16:25 Setting up multiple projects

17:11 Editing- Drag and drop is SLOWEST WAY TO EDIT

17:20 Edit- Append, add to end, E key

17:50 Edit- Insert, place at timebar, W key

18:10 Skimming video/audio

18:29 Snap- Turn it on, only off when you need to, N key

19:04 Edit- Connect to Primary Story, layer above, Q key

19:42 Zooming! Command + zooms in, Command - zooms out. 

19:50 Shift Z Global Zoom, Zoom Extents (all the way out seeing all clips on timeline)

20:04 Edit- Trim Tool, Edges Click and Drag

20:16 FASTEST WAY TO TIMELINE EDIT Hover scrub, Option + angle bracket for in point, out point

21:42 Import Music from the TVTECH drive, IB Audio Folder

24:14 Check to make sure “Copy To Library” is checked off before you import from the TVTECH DRIVE.

25:21 See files in your Library, from Finder

25:59 CRTL or Right Click, Show Package Contents

27:26 Audio Skimming on/off Shift + S

27:36 Spacebar stops and starts payback

27:51 fade out audio

28:03 fade video cross dissolve

28.18 fade video (move controls) toggle video animation (control + v)

29:04 Export media Command + E

29:47 Video Codec H264

30:12 Where to Save the file, Lacie Drive, Your FIRSTNAMELASTNAME folder

30:40 Watch the background task progress bar

32:22 Upload the video file to the Google Classroom Assignment and Turn In.