Framing-Fixed Shots and Suspense Scene

 Background: Most people use their video cameras to document an event rather than tell a story.  Although we quickly learn to read the visual language around us, “writing” visually is a skill that takes time to master.  A test of this is to pick up a camera and communicate fear and suspense.

🎯 Objective: You will be able to design and produce a door scene that uses creative shots and audio editing to create suspense using at least 1 of each of the fixed shots.

🚅 Prompt: 

🚦 Procedure: 

🚧 Parameters/Limitations:

🔴 Things to Remember:


Each production team will screen it’s finished film for the entire class for feedback.

🔺 Grading Information

Grading will be based on the project rubric.  Grading will be based on the following categories (if applicable).  This is your final project of TV Broadcasting and should reflect exceptional quality on all levels.

Adherence - Ability to follow all project parameters/limitations

Project docs:


Actions that might happen in the door scene
Door Scene Shot Order List

Example Video