Treatment Feedback

1. Open your preproduction document with the treatment questions, title it "DateLastnameDocumentary"

2. Click share, then change the share preferences to public on the web, then check off  "Anyone can edit".

3. Copy the highlighted link.

4. Go to this form to paste the link.

Work on your treatment today.  You can get informal feedback from your peers or from Mr. P.  4 (or more) pages are due tomorrow (80pts)

on Friday:

Start with your own treatment. 

First copy the following questions and paste at the bottom of the page with your name as a heading.

Answer the questions 25 pts- 5 per answer


Go here to find the links to your classmates treatment.

Read each treatment one at a time. 

Copy and paste the questions at the bottom of the page with your name as a heading; below the last person who left feedback. 

Answer the questions as detailed as you can.  Please don't rush through this.  This helps clarify thoughts and sparks new ideas.  It is one of the most collaborative and important steps in planning your document.

25 points each treatment (5 points per answer)= 350 points including your own.

Review the feedback left on your treatment and answer these questions:
