Lecanto Invitational for Varsity, Junior Varsity, Middle School

Lecanto Invitational

Middle School, JV and Varsity Divisions

August 31, 2019

HIGH SCHOOL MEET IS FULL as of May 30. Please contact Coach Cuellar to be put on a waiting list. Thanks.


High school meet has twenty-seven teams as of May 13, 2019. Once it reaches 35, no more HIGH SCHOOL TEAMS will be taken. If you register, you will be notified to delete your team. Thanks..

If you wish to be put on a waiting list--after 35 HIGH SCHOOl teams. Contact Coach Cuellar at cuellarn@citrus.k12.fl.us

Middle schools - ALL MIDDLE SCHOOL students can enter. Please contact Coach Cuellar for any additional concerns.

IMPORTANT: The Middle School Race (s) will begin at the park where the high school races begin. It will end at same finish line. From the finish line to the start is about 10 minutes from each other. The middle school event will NOT cross the road up front.

August 31, 2019

Lecanto High School

For More Information contact Coach Nate Cuellar at cuellarn@citrus.k12.fl.us or Coach D Buettner at buettnerd@citrus.k12.fl.us

First 35 high school teams will be taken.

Register online at flrunners.com (deadline for entries= Wednesday, August 28, 2019, 4 PM)


(click on car)

CONCESSIONS WILL BE AVAILABLE for such an early start!!

For varsity, there will be 7 runners allowed.

JV races are unlimited.

Middle school division is unlimited.

Middle school division will run 3K.




ONLY School buses and school vans will go this route--you will enter complex at the light. AFTER YOU PASS the racketball courts, you will go into the left lane and drive down on the left. Your bus/school van will be directed to the back of the complex to park. This route will close at 7:50. Then, those coming after that time must go to the light down into the school complex.

PARKING- Spectators:

Fans will enter down toward schools in both lanes. Entry fee will be paid at gate. There will Be NO PARKING fee. All will be paid at gates.

6:50 Middle School Coaches' Meeting at the Finish line on the track.

7:10 Coaches Meeting at the Finish line on the track.

7:20 Middle School Boys' 3K Race

7:30 Middle School Girls' 3K Race

(For middle school= 150 runners and less, all will run together at 7:20 and will sort by gender after race. If more than 150 runners, the above schedule will be used)

8:00am Girls' Varsity

8:35am Boys' Varsity

9:05am Boys' JV

9:35 am Girls' JV

Cost is $70.00 per school or $40.00 per gender for High School

Cost is $30.00 per school/team or $20.00 per gender for middle school

Middle School participants can run unattached= $5.00

Checks made payable to:

Lecanto High School

ATT: Cross Country Invitational

3810 West Educational Path

Lecanto Florida 34461

There will be a small concession.

Middle school awards will begin at 7:55 or as soon as girls' results are compiled. They will conclude during the girls' varsity race. If there is an overlap, they will conclude during the boys' varsity race. The awards will take place in the stands.

Varsity and JV awards will follow the completion of the JV Race. The awards will take place in the stands.

We will have medals for 1-15 for Varsity

We will have medals 1-5 for JV

There will be team trophies for Champion and Runner up.

Middle School awards= MEDALS FOR 1st-3rd PLACES

We will use bibs. There will be chute operators recording bibs, finish line video to verify all results for all events. The varsity will be chip timed.

Participating Teams as of May 31- listed on flrunners/copied from flrunners:

Teams Attending

Coaches, rosters with bib numbers will be posted here before the event. We hope this helps keeps you updated and will answer all your questions.