How we make sense of the world

Regarding Andrew


On Wednesday, 26 September 2001, Andrew Lian announced that he was going to end his administrative position as the head of the school of language and international education. He cited several reasons, and one of them was the political matter of the university. I agreed with him because I used to be in his position. New boss means new policy. The new policy means new working team.


He gave each of us a handout. It was the summary of a model for making sense of the world around you.


a)    Human being 1 observes. (But observes what? That is where it may possible to act on HB1 by modifying their observations + providing forms of help)

b)   HB 1 then generates meanings for him/herself --- HB 1 interprets --- HB1 makes sense according to his/her personal logic. HB1 tells him/herself a story, possibly not in language)

c)    HB1 consciously or unconsciously checks meanings against the outside world…

d)   On the basis of meaning generated in (vi) above, HB1 may re-observe or re-assess the thing in item a)

e)    HB1 then generates meanings, interprets etc etc etc. These meanings may be new and thereforemodify individual logics or simply confirm them.

f)     HB1 consciously or unconsciously checks meanings against the outside world…


How? By getting feedback as outlined aboive.

And so the cycle continues.

At no stages do direct meanings ever get transferred or known.




This is how we make sense of the world.