All languages are equal?

All Languages are equal?

Do you know how many languages there are in the world? The fact is that, even though there are hundreds / thousands of them, only a few are being seriously studies and promoted by our societies. The question asked is: Are all languages equal? The obvious answer is: No.

It’s a bit sad, but it’s true that all languages are unequal, at least, in their social status. English, for example, is a language of a higher caliber, some may say. If your English is good, you can use it to do many things to improve your life. The fact is that several hundred millions are using English, and it's unstoppable. 


Thai, on the other hand, may be less popular. Few countries include it in their curricula. Khmer, too, is a less well-known language. When we look into the well-being of many languages, we will see that several hundred have vanished; some are in the critical condition. A language is a living entity.

If we humans are unequal, languages are, too. The use of languages for communication is one thing, something to be supported, but the promotion of a particular language for political purposes should be questioned and scrutinized.