Photo 2: Final Portfolio

Assignment: Hands

Title: Dark Rebel

Assignment: Feet

Title: Skate

Assignment: Geometric Shadows

Title: Love

Assignment: Organic Forms and Textures

Title: Planes

Assignment: Leading Lines

Title: What's Down There?

Assignment: Glass/Transparency

Title: Only You Can See

Assignment: Food

Title: Just A Bit Green

Assignment: Monochromatic

Title: Shady Roads

Assignment: Complimentary Color

Title: Reflection

Assignment: Analogous Color

Title: Mood

Assignment: Primary Color

Title: All That Color

Assignment: Portrait

Title: Kadan

Assignment: Still Life

Title: The Past Is Still Here

Assignment: Magnification

Title: Rip

Assignment: Landscape

Title: Sun Rising

Assignment: Unique Lighting

Title: Bright Board

Assignment: Positive and Negative Space

Title: Dark Memories

Assignment: Abstract

Title: Wavy Clouds

Assignment: Abstract

Title: Rebel Part Two

Assignment: Self Portrait

Title: A Girl And Her Skateboard

Assignment: Photograms

Title: Mysterious Roads

Assignment: Altered Image

Title: Sleepy

Assignment: Recreated Enlargement

Title: Ripped Roses

Assignment: Color

Title: Heads On The Shelf

Assignment: Reflective Self Portrait

Title: Silhouette Eyes

Assignment: Family Dynamics

Title: Dinner Time

Assignment: friendship/relationships

Title: The Wallflower

Assignment: Friendship/relationships

Title: Tiger

Assignment: Conflict

Title: Broken Eyes

Assignment: Social/Political

Title: Quiet Yell For Help

Assignment: Movement

Title: Father & Daughter

Assignment: Weather

Title: Three Little Sunsets

Write/reflect on your experience in this class.

This class experience has been one of my favorite throughout all of the years i've been to school. I got to get closer with people I wasn't close too and got close to people who i've never met before. I really loved learning about all of the different type of composition rules and techniques because it gives you another view on photography, it expands your thinking. Also learning things about the dark room and being able to work in there and create my own images was one of my number one favorite things.

-How does your work show how you have improved?

My work shows how I have improved by using the composition rules and techniques that I never used before, and expanding my thinking and thinking out of the box at times. Learning how to use photoshop mostly helped a lot on some assignments. In the beginning when we first started using photoshop I never wanted to mess around with it because I didn't have the patience but now that I mostly know what to do, I use it a lot for my photographs.

-What was the most challenging and why?

The most challenging was probably knowing and getting used to the dark room at first, also dealing with the printer when I didn't know what to do. But also cyanotypes were a little challenging because you had to keep checking to see if it was how you wanted and if you didn't do it correctly you'd have to re-do them.

-What are you most proud of and why?

I am most proud of some of my photographs that I have made in the dark room, because at first I would always mess up and not do things correctly and give up, but now that I know how to do everything better I don't give up and I keep trying to get the photo that I want.

-In what ways does your work illustrate your strengths and weaknesses as a learner?

My work illustrates my strengths and weaknesses by how they come out. Like if they are blurry or not composed good or if i'm not using the composition rules and techniques correctly, or even at all. My strengths would be if they come out clear and how I wanted it to come out and for it to be decently good.

Photo 2 Final.mp4