Film: 07. Family Dynamics

Dinner Time

Artist Statement: For this assignment we had to capture a moment of our family. I chose to do dinner time because it is the number one place that we are all together... Even my cat.

I had many other ideas for this assignment but I found that I could not do the other ones. I thought this would be one of the best photos for this assignment. Things I would change and go back and fix would be the water marks on the image above.

I am proud of my first photo and how it is dark and has it's different values of grey and black and white in some areas. I am going to do another enlargement and make the boarder a lot better, same color as the first image because I did a 1.5 exposure and it was my inverse copy of the image.

This image below is my final image, I had to fix the boarders on the very first image so it didn't look so crappy, I like the different values of black and white of this image and how the image came out a lot more clear than I originally thought it would.