11. Primary Color

All That Color

Artist Statement: For this primary color assignment I chose to make the colors out of salt/chalk. I thought it would be cool looking to put it in a shot glass and it would be different.

How I created this image was I went out to my garage and got chalk and then got salt, I mixed them both together to make the salt colored. First I put the red at the bottom and then the yellow and the blue, I stacked them on each other first then I thought it would look cool to mix them together, so I did.

I originally took the photo with the glass standing up but I thought it looked too plain and simple, I ended up tipping over and took this image.

How I edited this was I just put a filter on called "Chrome" and adjusted the lighting on the image and the colors of the salt/chalk.

One thing I would change is the lighting, I feel if I had natural light then you could see the colors better and they would pop out more, but it was at about 6:30pm when I took this image.