Negative Space (Leaves)

Artist Statement: For this assignment I had to first tape leaves onto a piece of paper. i then had to look and focus on drawing the negative space and not just the leaves. So mostly this assignment was switched around a little bit. I had to then color in the negative spaces that I drew and color them in as if they were just leaves. After I could choose to leave the rest white where the leaves were or paint it, I chose to paint it black and I ended up going over it one more time with acrylic paint so my actual drawing you cannot see the streaks from the paint brush.

Something I had trouble with would have been getting rid of the streaks. I used colored pencils for the leaves and then I tried to use regular water color paint, then water colored pencils and then acrylic. At first this assignment confused me and it was hard to fully figure out how and what I was doing and what I was also using but in the end i figured it out.