Film: 08. Friendship/Relationship


The Wallflower

Artist Statement: For this assignment on friendship/relationship. We had to capture a moment of relationship or friendships, I chose to think out of the box and use a photo of a fishing pole and the water, also my second image. Flowers and many other flowers together. For both of these images I also used selective focus. Like on the fishing pole and the individual flower. The reason I called the first "Tiger" was because it said that on the pole and I also didn't know what else to name it. And the reason I called the second image "The Wallflower" was because the flower on the side is just by itself and the meaning of "wallflower" is like a loner and is very lonely.

One thing I really like about these images is that they came out pretty good with exposing them and printing them. I am really proud of my first photo of the fishing pole and the water. I really think that it is one of the photos that i got done really well and clear.

One thing I would fix on the second image would be to make it lighter or do a color selection on some of the flowers and color them in with markers or paint to help make the image look more alive.