Film: 03. Recreated Enlargement

Ripped Roses

Car Rides

Artist Statement: For this Recreated image project I chose these four photos to recreate and enlarge. How I made these images were I took something sharp to make scratches on the film and mostly made lines. One of the photos I did burn but it didn't work out as well as I thought it would.

The first photo and the second photo are my favorites. They are my favorites because the first one I really like flowers and also I think the lines make it look cool, also the lines make it look like separate pieces of paper that are very little spaced. The second image I tried to scratch it but I scratched the glossy side and not the matte type side so it didn't come out as well, I also took a pencil and tried making lines as well and it didn't work as well either. The other two photos I was mostly just experimenting on what I could do with them.

Something I would change on the second image would be making the pencil marks on the darker part where the persons bodies are and that would've changed the image a lot more.