15. Landscape

Sun Rising



Artist Statement: For this assignment we had to do a landscape image. I totally forgot about it so I took this when I was on the bus this morning. What I was thinking when i made this image was that I knew there was one spot that I drive by every morning that's pretty open.

How I created it was i waited until the open spot and took a few images and picked the one that looked the best. I chose this image because the other ones there were either signs or telephone poles and I thought they would be more difficult to edit them out of the image.

How I edited this was I saw a little blob in the bottom half of the image and thought it was distracting so I took it out and also the telephone wires I thought were distracting so I always took those out and how I did that was I went into photoshop and clone stamped them out. I also added a filter to it and messed with the lighting.

One thing I would change about this image would be to actual have my camera with me to take a landscape photo and not just my phone.