14. Magnification


Artist Statement: For this assignment we had to do magnification or reflection of something. I chose to do ripped jeans because I thought it looks really cool. I put it into black and white because there was different colors in the background that were very distracting. I really like how you can see the strings that form together to make the actual pants and not just the strings that form the rip. Another thing is you would never look at a pair of jeans at this angle and this close, unless you were probably making them.

How I created this image was I layed the jeans on my knee and got close enough to get the strings clear. I didn't want to take this image while wearing them because I thought it would mostly take away from what I was trying to achieve in this image.

What I would change about this image was the front strings if they were also clear but I just couldn't get them clear, I was thinking about totally clearing them out of the image but I felt like it would've looked weird so I just kept them.