04. Organic Forms and Textures

Lost Rose

Frozen Green

Artist Statement: For this assignment we had to take a photo of Organic Forms and Textures. I chose these two photos, first I chose to take a photo of a dead rose. I thought it would be different then something that has snow on it, i'm not the biggest fan of winter, so. I chose to create this image because I really liked how the kind of pattern and rhythm of those rose petals are. How the petals are crinkly and dead but then again the rose looks alive. But this other photo of the plant with snow, I actually really liked it, so I also chose to use it.

How I created this first image was i had these roses tied together and I just pulled out this one rose and kept the other ones together. This was the only one that still had most of its colors. I used my Canon EOS Rebel T3 with my Canon zoom lens 75-300mm to take this photo.

How I created the plant one was I stood on my deck and leaned out over the railing, I used the same Canon lens and camera. I zoomed in on the plant and focused. I liked how one of the plant petal things had a tiny bit of snow on it and how it stuck out against the green.

I went onto photoshop and edited it a little bit. What I did was I used the "quick" setting on photoshop, then I just went onto the exposure, lighting, color, and balance to make it slightly different. Mostly what I did to change this photograph from the original was I made the yellow and pink colors on the rose pop out more and to make the rose not look so dead. On my second photo I didn't edit it at all, I liked it a lot better just having the natural look.

This first photo would be a selective focus type photo. It would be selective focus because it is only fully focusing on that one rose, while the background is blurred. Also the second image is selective focus as well.