Extended Blind Contour Drawing

My Extended blind Contour drawing start of from random lines that I drew without looking, then I took it home and colored it and made it an island. The setting was an The Material I used was a single pencil. I chose this to draw because I picked it and it was easy to imaged it so I drew it.

When I was drawing it the element I used are Balancing and Contrast.The composition rule & techniques are Rules of third. I used it to make the object to look in balance so it doent look very off. I drew it with a image in my mine to make it stay balanced.

My project evolve by the the details, because it was too plain and ther was no color, so I added mor details to it. The meaning of this art is Lolipop broke his own phone and got mad so he borrowed his moms. This relates to my life is before I had a phone, I always talk with my friend on my moms phone.