word design

This is my word design: boat logo. The subject is about a sail boat made in words. I chose to create this specific work because the teacher gave me the word to draw and Ive thought of how a boat looks like and went for it. For materials, I used pencil to sketch, and sharpie to over line.

I used a variety of techniques and methods including: sketching. Thinking of ideas for making the word in to a logo. While creating this work, I paid close attention to what is the most iconic detail in a boat, So I searched pictures from the web and made the b and t a whole boat shape.

To add interest to my composition, I used color. I like the way it looks like just sketch but the real logo is the one that is most prettiest. My work shows that I can study how subjects look and use my creativity to make my work better. Whole design brainstorm+design used 10mins.