
I’m calling this project a lamma wearing pajamas picking on the flowers because thats what the card the teacher gave me said. The subject is about a lamma wear pajamas picking on flowers, based of a card that the teacher gave us, and I have to make it based on cartoon charaters. I chose to create this specific work because Ive haven done this kind of work since last year. For materials, I used just only sharpies and a pencil so I can skectch it out first.

I used a variety of techniques and methods including: Outlining, after I use the pencil to sketch out the whole frame, I outline it using sharpie. While creating this work, I paid close attention to to how to make the lamma look alive like a human but still a lamma and the making the shirt look like pajamas. So I searched pictures from the web and learn how to draw it. I wanted my artwork to look like something that wil show on the cartoon tv and I did that by making it simple with detail and make it liik carttoon.

To add interest to my composition, I used balance, pattern... I like the way it looks like a painting that is not a painting and I am proud of the head I did. However, I struggled with time limits. If I created another work like this I may not draw it simple anymore.My work shows that I learned how to balance my work and use my creativity.