Sustained Investigation #14

I’m calling this project, Fallen rose, because the object in the center with colors is a rose upside down. The subjects are a spider on a spider web connected to the rose that is upside down with heat wave colors. Its based off the weather reports heat change and a rose. I chose to create this specific work because my question is to make objects upside down and thats why I chose to draw a rose upside down.

For materials, I used only a black pen and color markers. I used a variety of techniques and methods including: outlining the colored objects and making the background half black. While creating this work, I paid close attention to how heat wave colors are in order to create that authentic color-way.

I wanted my artwork to look more in a pop art category. To add interest to my composition, I used balance, pattern and composition by making the object center on the paper, spider webs to represent pattern and the half blacked background to add composition. I like the way it looks with so much going on with the crazy colors and the web. However, I still struggled with the markers leaks, and if Im able to change how it looks in the future, I would draw more roses and spiders.