Covid 19 response 2

This one is call Isolation, because due to the pandemic, people are quarantining and staying away from crowds. The subject is two people that waiting for the bus and wont sit on the bench and staying far away. Its based off the requirement for the people to stay 6feet away.

For materials, I used only color markers. I used a variety of techniques and methods including: outlining the colored objects and making the lines clean with a black marker. While creating this work, I paid close attention to balance the size and keeping it symmetrical.

I wanted it be using the element of the text bubble because this is a time that most people are on their devices. To add interest to my composition, I used pattern for the germs on the bench. I like how its green because in my mind it represent the topic and if I want to change how the art work look in the future, I definitely use a colored paper like black.