Time capsule

size 7x10 7x10 7x10

The idea behind this work is to use the negative and positive space to create images though our eyes using the scratch papers.. Following the teachers suggestion, I created three different subjects to scratch to. I created a portrait of myself with a mirror and a looking up angle, a big water bottle and the small wood house behind my house.

The works are all made by scratching using a sharp metal picks and a scratcher. For the portrait I use the pick to sort out the idea and structure to follow and I used the scratcher to scratch out the negatives to make the face 3d with the shadows. For the Bottle, I rushed so I used only the scratcher and just got all the shadows to make it realistic.

I used the elements of line, balance. I used the principle of design of balance by making the the art with scratching away the negative. My project evolves from making the art more 3d, and making it more and more light to get more texture to it. The next step would be putting more into the background or making it even more detailed.