3D design

Though out this years 3D design courses, I steadied and expanded my skillsets. Looking trough my landing page and seeing every project reflecting out my own kind of style, I remembered from the very beginning, I started making my artwork with scattered ideas, often regretted or scratched. Now my ideas is more matured and became stable, more organized. It wasn’t long ago that having ideas that isn’t steady, or too far from the reality goals got me turning in projects late. Just like the clay pig I made, the shape of a pig but the design on it is totally random and not thought out. It was all since my art teacher, Mrs.Medsker, introduced us to making concentrations instead of single idea projects. We filled in the form for what elements and things that inspire our concentration. Mine was to relate to architecture, balance and unusual. All my artwork now is more noticeable of my personal voice. Getting my idea out and organize it really did helped.

How my work have Improved by this quarter? My artwork like the concentration #2. The huge cheeto that I made from carving a foam block at home, it was creative and all but has a very low level of work and thoughts put in it, so then I chose to carve foam blocks to make concentration #4 and #5. It is both the same material used and created like the #2 but for #4 Ive improved by using more than one unique structure to build on and two color blocking added on. For #5 Ive Improved by using more time putted invested in it and the carving with the skills I learned and improved over time to carve out an upside down building structure with very clean edges and shape.

The challenges I faced in this class besides the ideas, is to time management, for every art project I did, Ive had at least half an hour to brainstorm an ideas, that’s why every time I often start my artwork until the next class. Lately I’ve challenged against it by finishing all my artworks two days before it is due. I had been staying after school in the art room grinding and working nonstop on artworks. It is quiet in the room after school and it is very helpful when It comes to working and changing elements to the artwork.

I am most proud of the creation of my concentration #1, #2. Proud of #1 is because that work was my first entry stepping in the world of creating my own unique style and that went very well. My concentration was architecture and balance and concentration #1 really showed it out, it was the a building like structure standing on its sharper end like a building upside down, balancing. For #2 I an proud of it because it is not my most time working on work, matter fact it is finished in less than 1 hour. And when it was due, I was able to present it to the class for reasons like it is so unusual to see a daily object but bigger on the table. If It wasn’t for that, I would be stuck on work and turning in nothing to the class.

By the ending of the school year, 3D design had taught me many things that Ive never know how to. It has given me strength that can benefit my life in the future. As a learner, this class giving me the strength of time management and planning skills.To not waste time and ideas, once ideas are out, use a pen and write it down so it can help organize life. And as an artist, it has given me the strength of not to give up half way though creation and to make what is already made more perfect and creative. As to weakness I had discover during the classes, It is to give up an artwork when a sudden change of mind. Overall, I say that I learned a lot from this class and I do not regret taking this class.