
size 5.5x8

The idea behind this work is based on a card that requires me to draw a gorilla with cactus body and a mermaid tail, as simple as it looks, I drew a gorilla headed cactus body with a big mermaid fin on the back. This work relates to my life because it is simple but also activated the creative side of my brain for further projects that need more creative thinking and process. I created this with the direction that the card gave. I made the gorilla head brown because i was inspired by one of Nigos brand logos. And the cactus with spikes to make it more alive.

The work is made using a pencil to sketch out the design then to be trace on the outline using a sharpie then finally coloring in the colors with color pencils. Brown and light brown for the head, green and dark green for the body and the shadows and blue for the tail behind it.

I used the elements of line, shape, color and I used the principle of design of balance by making the art in the middle of the paper. My project evolves from having the tail on the side which makes it uneven to the eyes and the art art itself to a tail right in the middle of the back so it looks evenly placed. The next step would be adding a background to it because the blanks behind it makes it look like it floating.