Sustained Investigation #7

size 6x8

I call this balloons, same as my last work, inspired by the balloons. The idea behind this work is based my topic question of the projects, which is "What if objects go upside down?" I wanted to focus on the balloons instead of the trees and the kid. This work relates to the question because the balloons are clearly laying down but is full of air and the ones floating in the air are the ones that doesn't have air which shouldn't be, creating the perfect example of going upside down.

The work is made using acrylic paint for the red of the balloon, black pen for the strings attached to the balloon and a sharpie to trace the line and make the whole thing pop and more clean. The back ground is simply a light blue shade that I thought would look good, inspired by the sky.

I used the elements of shape, form. And I used the principle of design of balance and contrast by making the balloons right in the middle of the frame. My project evolves from having just a dull image of the balloons to adding some white stripes to make the balloon look more shinny.