Sustained Investigation #3


I call this work "Its late". The idea behind this work is based my topic question of the projects, which is "What if objects go upside down?" I wanted to make like different perspective on different objects. So I decided make a few objects that goes with a TV that Im going to put upside down like the clock and the small single coach with a bottle of water. This work relates to the question because that the clock is upside down so is the bottle of water to comprehend the tv and everything to get the upside down topic instead of thinking that the whole art is upside-down.

The work is made using simply a pen for the outline and some little color for the water, clock and the tv screen. I would if done a background color to make it stand out more but the deadline was already here. In the work I used little color is to make it pop with the blank aesthetic for this style.

I used the elements of shape, form. And I used the principle of design of space by making the blanks white and blank while coloring in the objects that are upside down. My project evolves from just a upside down tv and a clock to having a sofa on the back with a cup upside down. Next time I want to add more color to make the whole project more finished