Sustained Investigation #12

I’m calling this project, Chocolate Ice cream, because I was eating ice cream when I made this. The subject is a ice cream cone broken and two blop of ice cream is just sitting on the ground . Its based off the ice cream cone on my hand. I chose to create this specific work because my question is to make objects upside down and i happen to be holding on a ice cream that gave me the idea.

For materials, I used only a black pen and color markers I found in my room. I used a variety of techniques and methods including: outlining in a purposely rough outline. While creating this work, I paid close attention to the markers coloring marks so two colors wont be clashed together making a mess.

I wanted my artwork to look rough and I did that by using rough lines.To add interest to my composition, I used balance and color blocking by making the object center on the paper and purposely not coloring in the cone to make it a raw sketch look to it. I like the way it looks that one side is broken and the half circle of the cone is remained. However, I struggled with the markers leaks, might use different material next time because the pink that I added on last cant touch the blacks cuz it will mess with the color. If I created another work like this I may make the work more realistic . My work shows that I learned how to use pen to shade.