2D design

Thinking back to last year, I had a great experience making art, trying out new material and style Ive never done before. This year, joining into 2D art, trying to improve my 2D designs with a more stable style. My artwork in this class to me is more on the creative side, beginning of the quarter, comparing to others or my goal for the class, my artworks always some what lacking details or too rushing, Ms.Medsker pointed out and I had corrected my mistakes.

To be honest, none of the projects is hard to draw or come of with. The most challenging part of this class is when I keep changing my mind of the art itself and will never get the result I originally wanted in my head. Like the circle project, behind the red background, it is so many sketches that I wasted my time on. Eventually, I will stuck will a final project that I wasn't 100% proud of. And I rushed to the deadline, like my word design. Creativity is there but not details.

Last quarter, I improved myself so I can make what is right for myself, like thinking about details and stick to one idea, Ms.Medsker really taught me how to use different kinds of materials in order to make the art stands out. I really wanted to make my art one style and stick to it. I can improve myself more in the future by reading more books about art and asking teacher for advice. As a learner, I am very open for different types of challenges, and I will look forward to 3D art.