Sustained Investigation #9

I call this work Pencil. The idea behind this work is based my topic deformed objects and I thought of pencils because to deform a pencil we can just pend it. The teacher also said to be more repetitive but because of time I stopped, I was originally planning on making more than 3 pencils to make it more abstract.

The work is made using acrylic paint on acrylic paint paper. Using pencil to sketch the area to paint and using white paint for the base so I can layer the background color, which is bright yellow. It can be more balance with a base on the first layer and more settle.

I used the elements of shape, form and balance. And I used the principle of design of balance by making it in the center of the paper where I chopped down the size. My project evolves from having a blank sketch to having color and for next time, I want to make this project more realistic like my previous one.