Creating a Public ePortfolio

The Public ePortfolio tab allows students to build a public portfolio that can be shared using an URL link. This public version of a portfolio can be constructed using text, uploaded files, and other content that has already been added to a submitted program portfolio. A public ePortfolio URL will remain active and accessible for viewing content even when students are no longer able to access the portfolio system.

This guide outlines two options for building public ePortfolios. Option 1 explains the one click process for converting a completed portfolio to a public ePortfolio. Option 2 outlines an alternative method that lets you custom-build a public ePortfolio using content of your choice. Both options allow users to create a public gallery that can be shared with others using a public URL. 

Option 1: Converting a Completed Portfolio to a Public ePortfolio (One-Click Method)

Once a portfolio has been scored and designated as complete by assessors, the portfolio system will allow you to convert the entire portfolio to a public version. You can then create a public link that will allow you to share the portfolio with others.

Step 1: Access the system and click on the Portfolio group block

Step 2: Click on the Portfolio Title

Note: The portfolio must be marked as a completed status to have the option to convert it to a public ePortfolio.

Step 3: Click the CONVERT TO EPORTFOLIO button. This will generate a publicly accessible version for you.

Step 4: A notification will appear, click the ePortfolio page link to view it or click OK to return to the activity.

Step 5:  Once on the ePortfolio page, click the ePortfolio block to access the content.

Step 6: To preview the ePortfolio, click the view tab.

  Step 7: To create a public link, click Share.

Step 8: Click the Public  checkbox.

Step 9: The ePortfolio is now publicly accessible. Click COPY URL to access the share link.

Step 10: Click SAVE to exit the share settings.

Step 11: Click CLOSE to exit the share settings.

Option 2: Creating a Custom Showcase Gallery

You can also build a custom ePortfolio by manually selecting the content that you want included in the gallery.

Step 1: Click the ePortfolios tab.

Step 2: Click the Create ePortfolio button.

Step 3: Click Create from Blank Page.

Step 4: Enter a title in the ePortfolio Name field.

Step 5: Enter a Description, if desired.

Step 6: Click Create.

Step 7: Click Pages tab to access page details.

Step 8:  Click the menu icon (three dots) and then select Edit.

Step 9: Enter a page title in the Name field.

Step 10: Click Save when finished.

Step 11:  To add content from an existing portfolio, under Components, click the Activities.

Note: Gallery allows you to pull content directly from an existing program portfolio, the other component choices can be used to add new content to the public version of the ePortfolio.

Step 12: Enter a label and click Save.

Step 13: Click Insert Activities to pull content from your program portfolio.

Step 14: All your portfolio activities will appear in the tab on the left panel, click the portfolio title that includes the desired content.

Note: The right hand panel will display the content that exists in your portfolio. This will include everything in the portfolio activity. Rubrics always appear at the top, scroll down to find your content. 

Step 15: Click the checkbox next to the content from your portfolio that you want added to the ePortfolio.

Step 16: Click Save when finished.

Note: The gallery will then appear in the content field. Clicking the "pencil" icon will again access the "Choose Activities" screen shown in the previous step.

Step 17: Click Save to finalize changes.

Step 18: Click Close to exit.

Previewing a Public ePortfolio

You can preview the public ePortfolio using the steps below:

Step 1: To preview the portfolio, click VIEW

Step 2: The public ePortfolio will open in a new browser tab. Click on the Gallery block to view the portfolio. 

Note: You can change the visual appearance of this page by clicking "Choose Theme" button on the design screen shown in the previous step.

The gallery view of your portfolio will open in a new browser tab. Close the browser tab to exit.

Note: Content added to a portfolio that is 'Awaiting Submission' status will not appear in a public ePortfolio until it is submitted by the student. 

Sharing the ePortfolio with a Public Link

Follow the steps below to set the ePortfolio to public view and access the unique Share URL.

Step 1: Click Share 

Step 2: Click the Public checkbox. 

Step 3: The ePortfolio is now publicly accessible. Click Copy URL to access the share link.

Step 4: Click Save to exit the Share settings.

Step 5: Click Close to exit the Share settings.