Welcome to the

Modern Languages Department


Bonjour! Guten Tag! Hola! Ni hao! Hello!

We are to welcome you to Forres Academy Modern Languages. Here we pride ourselves on: 

We are thrilled to welcome all young people to our department and provide them with the chance to learn one or several languages which could take them in any place in the world. 

Meet the staff

Pathways Modern Languages.pptx
Nat 4 French.pptx
Nat 5 French.pptx
Higher French.pptx
Nat 4 German.pptx
Nat 5 German.pptx
Higher German.pptx
Nat 4 Spanish.pptx
Nat 5 Spanish.pptx
National 4.5 Mandarin Esgoil.pptx
Modern Languages for Life and Work.pptx

Languages at Forres Academy

In S1 pupils will learn French and German.

Every week they will have 2 lessons of French and 1 lesson of German (with a different teacher).

In line with the 1+2 Policy all pupils are continuing French from primary school. 

German is being introduced as a new language although some pupils may have had some German lessons in Primary School.

In S2 young people will continue to learn French and German. 

Every week they will have 2 lessons of German and 1 lesson of French (with a different teacher).

Pupils have some basis in German after their first year of learning the language. They are going to reinforce their knowledge and will learn about new topics such as food and drink and school. 

In French, pupils will continue to progress learning about new topic such as hobbies, with topic from their everyday life. They will also have the opportunity to take part in cultural lessons. 

In S3 young people the opportunity to choose the language they want to continue with. 

They also have the opportunity to add another language, Spanish and Mandarin. 

In S3 pupils are learning different topics and they are going to undertake Unit Assessment for National 3 and National 4. 

1+2 Languages Policy

Languages Assistant 

This session we are lucky to have a Chinese Language Assistant who will be working with our pupils at Forres Academy.

The Chinese Language Assistant will work with classes and small groups and share their knowledge about their language and cultures!

Some of our senior pupils (S6 mostly) might wish to be languages assistant and help with different tasks and classes - they will help the teachers to write our praise postcards and they will also help in the classroom. 

Other opportunities 

Your child will have the opportunity to learn other languages, including Spanish (from S3) and Mandarin in the Senior Phase at Forres Academy.

Currently S1 and S2 pupils have the opportunity to attend a Chinese Culture and Club on Wednesdays in V9.

Link with Germany 

Forres Academy is twinned with the Vicco-von Bulow Oberschule in our twin town Vienenburg.  We have  had successful visits to Vienenburg and hosted return visits from our German friends here in Forres.

In June 2023 we went to Vienenburg.

In June 2024, pupils from Vienenburg are travelling to Forres. 

Link with France 

Some S1 pupils will have the opportunity to exchange letters with French pupils from the Saint-Joseph high school in Saint-André-lez-Lille, in the North of France. 

All the letters will be sent to the schools. 

Pupils will be able to write about their school life and what they do during the free time. 

It is a great opportunity to make connection with French pupils.

The first letters will be sent after the October break, and we will try to send letters once for each term. 

European Day of Languages

Each year, on the 26th of September, we celebrate European Day of Languages. 

It is a great opportunity for pupils to discover other languages that are spoken in Europe. 

Pupils from S1 to S3 are taking part in different activities. They also have the chance to try different European typical food such as pretzel, croissants and pain au chocolat during our European breakfast. 

Useful websites 

Pupils can pactice their language learning at home, using different websites. 

Family learning website

Why not learn along with your child?

Use this fantastic family learning website and the whole family can get involved.
