Steering Group

Our steering group is a dedicated pupil group of S1-6 pupils who are passionate about the Rights Respecting Schools Programme. We meet every Monday at lunch time and new members are always welcome. 

The group have written a detailed action plan and are working towards ticking every item off of this plan before we will contact UNICEF who will visit Forres Academy for an inspection. This will involved a Unicef advisor spending the day in school, meeting with pupils and staff, as well as joining in on some lessons about the work we are doing around the UNCRC. We look forward to inviting our advisor Jenny in hopefully during term 4 of 2024 to show her all of our progress and how far we have come in one school session.

The steering group have also created a whole school charter where we have focused in on 6 rights of the child which we feel summarise the ethos and community here at Forres Academy. Our core expectation of pupils are to be "Ready," "Respectful", and "Safe" at all times, as well as our three school values of being "Inclusive," "Kind" and"Determined." We feel that some articles best fit us as a school community and take into  account our unique school context. You can see our commitment to these 6 rights in particular outlined in our Charter below.