
UNICEF DAY - 2023 !

This year as part of our silver action plan as a school we took part in word Unicef Day which was on Friday the 8th of September.  Led by our Religious, Moral and Philosophical Subjects staff (RMPS) all of s3 have committed to working on the SQA Values in Action Award. This SQA award at either levels 4 or 5 accredits pupils for arranging events to promote strong personal values. As a school where our values are "Inclusive," "Kind," and "Determined" we wanted to promote these as well as instill in other pupils strong values of compassion, empathy and commitment to driving improvements relating to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. 

All of S3, while in their RMPS class, have formed various teams and each group ha researched on UNCRC article. Each group was tasked with creating an informative, educational, eye catching and fun stall for the Unicef event in our assembly hall. All of s1 and s2 pupils spent some time wandering around the hall learning about these rights, listening to presentations by s3 pupils and taking part in fun interactive activities such as Blookets, Kahoots and even "hook a duck". Our s3 pupils did a brilliant job and the Assembly Hall had an amazing atmosphere as pupils enjoyed learning about rights and having mature and sophisticated conversations.

We are looking forward to more whole school events and opportunities to celebrate, promote and embed the UNCRC !  Well done S3 ! A massive thank you to Miss Hughes and Mr Williamson from team RMPS for organising!

Thank you Mr Williamson and Miss Hughes!
#Inclusive #Kind #Determined