Our "Right of the Month" 

Since our steering group was re-launched in June 2023 , as part of our silver action plan we have created a focus every month on one of the UNCRC articles. The hope is to raise awareness about rights, and to make sure every young person at Forres Academy understands that rights are universal, inalienable, inherent, unconditional and indivisible. 

These are tough words and concepts to understand so it is simplified below with our ABCDE of rights and our pupil friednly version of each article.

Since August of 2023 each month we have picked a theme to focus on which has incorporated a UNCRC article and a sustainable development goal. See below our Right of the month content.

August 2023 - Right of the Month

August - Article 12. Respect for Children's views.

August right of the month summary.pdf

Please click the document on the left to see our monthly newsletter about Article 12 - the right for respect for children's views.

We have had a number of successes this month in:

"It has been amazing to create such momentum in establishing various pupil voice groups within the school. We have gone from a few groups to a  range of pupils wanting to get their voices firmly on the table from our LGBT+ group to Rights respecting ambassadors. It's amazing to have such passionate young people involved in our improvement journey, taking on leadership roles and to have established a busy pupil voice calender of opportunities to promote article 12." Mrs Lindsay Muluzi. Acting Depute Head Teacher.

September 2023  - Right of the Month

Article 31 - The right to rest, play, culture and arts.

September 2023 right of the month update.pdf

Please click the document on the left to see our monthly newsletter about Article 131 - the right for young people to rest, play, culture and arts.

This month we have spent a lot of time as a school creating opportunities for rest and recreation. Jsut before the summer there was a whole school survey done from S1-6 which asked pupils all about clubs and societies. The student network had also raised at their meeting that celebrating success and wider achievement was a priority this year with the new house systems being created. The student network spent time analysing the survey results and found that there were 7 clubs actively still running post lockdowns and that wider achievements in the community were not being recognised in school. With that in mind during the month of september Forres Academy has made the following progress:

October 2023  - Right of the Month

Article 2 - No discrimination

October right of the month summary no discrimination.pdf

Every child has rights “without discrimination of any kind, irrespective of the child's or his or her parent's or legal guardian's race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national, ethnic or social origin, property, disability, birth or other status” (Article 2). 

This month at Forres Academy lots of work has gone on in curricular areas to learn about non discrimination. October is recognised worldwide as Black History month and topics across the school have included the Atlantic Slave Trade, and display boards were created on Moray's invovlement in this trade. Did you know that 21 community areas across Moray all received compensation when the slave trade ended? 

This month:

November 2023 - Right of the Month

Article  38 - the right to be protected during war and times of conflict.

Article 38 Remembrance.pdf

November is a special month for us in terms of our Right of the Month programme. Now more than ever it is so important to remeber those who have served in wars, and those that continue to serve. 

Our school context at Forres Academy is unique as we have lots of military families.  We also have a dedicated member of staff Nicole who is our military support coordinator who works closely with our military families. Lots of our families are serving members of the Army and are based in Kinloss, as well as RAF families. Our school role can be affected from time to time with military families deploying abroad or moving to our area. 

During the month of November there have been lots of opportunities to engage with article 38 - the right that all children and young people have to be protected in times of war.

December 2023 - Right of the Month

Article 14 - Freedom of thought and religion

Right of the month - December write up.pdf

December has brought so much joy and fun to the life of the school. It has been a jam packed month full of fun interhouse competitions, whole school events to take part in, the introduction of 2 new clubs at lunch times and lots of festive shenanigans !

Throughout December we have been reflecting on the right to freedom of thought and religion. This was highlighted at our end of term assemblies, and that while many pupils are excited for the festive period it can be a difficult time for many families; as well as the fact that not all families celebrate Christmas due to their own religious beliefs.

During December pupils have had opportunities to: