Pupil Pathways

Please watch the video for information about Learner Pathways at Forres Academy.
Learner Pathway Event - Tuesday 28 November 2023

Presentation - Learner Pathways v2.mp4
Learner Pathway Event Parent Handout.pdf

Learner Pathway Event Handout

Please see key information around Course Choice at Forres Academy.
It includes:

Course Choice

Visit our pages to find out more about the choices for pupils moving through their time at Forres Academy.

Scottish Credit & Qualifications Framework (SCQF)

Here at Forres Academy we aim for all our pupils to be ambitious to achieve their best. We have joined the SCQF Ambassador scheme to help our school community better support our pupils to achieve this and progress through their education into positive destinations.

Having a knowledge of the SCQF will help pupils, staff and parents to understand the opportunities available to our learners as they move into the Senior Phase at Forres Academy and beyond.

The Scottish Qualifications Framework helps people of all ages and circumstances to access the education and training that is appropriate to them over their lifetime. It can help you plan your learning and develop progression routes to follow, whatever your situation may be.

The framework lets you see what level your courses and awards are currently, as well as what they may lead you onto in the future.

 Take a look at this interactive framework below:

We began our SCQF journey in August 2022, when all school staff participated in SCQF training. We have since recruited a team of pupil SCQF Ambassadors who will lead Forres Academy in working towards our Bronze SCQF Accreditation.

Bronze SCQF Award Progress.pptx