School Catering Information

All schools in Moray provide a wide range of healthy food in their menus. These meet the Scottish Nutrient Standards for School Lunches, and offer choice and variety. In addition the Moray Council has an on-going commitment to providing healthy options through its snack and vending provision. 

A variety of snacks and refreshments are available from 10.25am for break and from 1.10pm for lunchtime from the school meals’ service. On Fridays a pre-order grab and go service is in operation. 

For those who wish to use the meals’ service a varied menu of full meals and a cafeteria service are available at moderate cost. We consider them to be good value and highly recommend them. 

Seating is available in the pupil social areas and in the canteen for pupils who wish to bring their own packed lunches. Soft drinks can be purchased through the canteen. Pupils should remember to bring correct change. 

 Forres Academy is a health promoting school so pupils are not permitted to bring items such as burgers, chips etc which they have purchased in the town, back onto school grounds, nor do we allow pupil consumption of energy drinks within the building since these are known to have a negative effect upon behaviour. 

Using your NEC Card for buying food

Cashless catering is a scheme to reduce queuing time in the school dining hall and improve the take-up of free school meals.

All pupils and staff using the cashless catering system will be issued with a National Entitlement Card which will contain their unique identification number. 

Secondary Meno.pdf
CAnteen price list.pdf