S1 - S3

 Art & Design

S1-S3 Examples of Work for Website.pptx

BGE Expectations


Students should come to class with the equipment listed below: 




Homework is set on average once a term & art staff thank you in advance for support with this. 

Students are welcome to use the art rooms at lunchtimes & have a working lunch in order to progress work.

If a student is absent, schedules of work/work covered in any one week is posted on Teams.  This is to support all learners as it reminds & clarifies instructions. Therefore it is important that the class Team is accessed regularly.   Students are expected to catch up on work missed due to absence.  Again, teaching staff are here to help and can be contacted in person, on Teams or via Glow e-mail.

S1 Art & Design

Schemes of Work 

Unit 1 Nameplate for Sketchbook 

Focus on: letter styles, formatting & spacing. Colour for effect. Water colour & pointillist techniques.

Unit 2 Observational Drawing 

Developing key skills, including: positioning, proportion, initial sketching & refinement, process of drawing ellipses & foreshortening. Tonal awareness & shading techniques; application of colour.

Unit 3 Swatch Watch Design 

Introduction to the design process.  Modern abstract paintings are used as inspiration for a Swatch watch design through spoken & written analysis, as well as direct studies.   Investigation stage only.   Unit completed in S2.

Assessment: Self, peer, teacher.  Two stars & a wish.

S2 Art & Design

Schemes of Work 

Unit 1 Swatch Watch Design

Focus on development of ideas & final design outcome; inspiration taken from the studied abstract paintings, as well as consideration of function.  

Unit 2 Clay Pot

Pot inspired by African Masks, designed in 2D using ink wash techniques & then developed into a final clay outcome using pinch pot & other hand building techniques.   

Unit 3 Photography Treasure Hunt

A fun introduction to photography with opportunity to work as a group as well as individually.  Photos taken on phone within the school grounds.   Group power point presentation of best photos & best class photo voted for & prize for winner. 

Unit 4 Self Portrait 

Using self portrait as the theme, this is another opportunity to develop drawing skills including close observation, proportion, sketching, refinement, and tonal application. Blending methods & directional shading is a focus to give a sense of realism and form.  Bringing in a patterned background places the portrait in a context & introduces basic composition.

Assessment:   Self, peer, teacher.  Two stars & a wish.

S3 Art & Design

The S3 Art & Design Course has been designed to lead to success in National Qualifications.  

Schemes of Work

Unit 1 Skills Building

Building confidence & skill in drawing & painting using a variety of materials and techniques.      

Unit 2 Expressive Artwork; Development & Outcome

Inspired by work covered in Unit 1, picture making techniques are introduced & explored such as composition, balance, focal point & depth.   This unit concludes with the creation or two Expressive artworks.

Unit 3 Edinburgh Fringe Poster Design

Design elements are taught such as target market, visual impact, typography and developing graphic imagery.   This unit concludes with producing ideas for an Edinburgh Fringe Festival Poster Design.

Unit 4 Critical Studies

Key art works by Surrealist artists & designers are closely analysed in class discussions; descriptive & analytical comment captured in a written format.

Assessment:   Self, peer, teacher.  Two stars & a wish. Formal assessment of Expressive unit.