Enrichment Days 

Monday 13th & Tuesday 14th May 2024

S1 John Muir

S1 pupils will be completing their John Muir Discovery Award where pupils will participate in a selection of workshops so they can discover and explore the natural world around the school and exploring opportunities to conserve our environment. Some workshops are being run in house by staff, others by local groups and external providers. In order to complete this award, S1 pupils will participate in workshops across Wednesday 15th May also.

Further information about this award can be found here: Achieving an Award (johnmuiraward.org) 

S2 Enrichment Days

S2 pupils have the opportunity to sign up to participate in a range of activities on offer, delivered by staff or external providers. The booklet which can be accessed here outlines the activities pupils can choose from. 

Pupils should complete this form (https://forms.office.com/e/1NPXa0WHmx ) by 24 April and allocated activities will be shared as soon as possible along with all additional information. 

Activities Booklet 2024 - Electronic Copy.pdf

S3 Enrichment Days

To mark the end of our pupils' Broad General Education at Forres Academy, all S3 pupils will have the opportunity to take a trip to Landmark (this will be across 2 days and pupils will go on either Monday 13 or Tuesday 14 May). On the other day, pupils can to sign up to participate in a range of activities on offer, delivered by staff or external providers. The booklet which can be accessed here outlines the activities pupils can choose from. 

Pupils should complete this form (https://forms.office.com/e/nYE3fu7v6Q ) by 24 April and allocated activities will be shared as soon as possible with all additional information (this will include which day your child will attend Landmark). 

Activities Booklet 2024 - Electronic Copy.pdf