Northern Alliance Languages Family Learning

Helping you learn languages together at home

Learning languages at home

The Scottish Government 1+2 Approach to Languages policy aims to enable children and young people to study two languages in addition to their mother tongue in all primary and secondary schools in Scotland up to the end of S3 – and beyond. This resource provides you with ways of supporting your child’s language learning from the comfort of your own home.

Why learn another language?

Engaging in your child’s learning can make a real difference to how well they do and how confident they feel. Showing a positive attitude to other languages and cultures with your child will help them see that you value language learning and support them in making progress.

All languages provide a cultural richness and opportunity to those who learn them. Encouraging your child to have fun with languages and learning alongside them will go a long way towards making your child aware of the many benefits of learning other languages with the added bonus of learning a new language together!

Find out more about the benefits or language learning at home from Education Scotland's Language Learning at Home Page. Click below.

How can you help?

This interactive resource will allow you and your family to learn a language together or simply to consolidate a language you already know. The variety of fun and exciting activities are designed to develop your child's interest in language learning. All the resources are free.

It's time to get started.....just choose your language and click on the tab at the top of this page.

Click below for an outline explaining expected outcomes in languages from a Primary one start.

Education Scotland 1+2 Languages: Expected Outcomes