New language activities

A project with Highland and West Lothian Councils producing a series of books in French, Gaelic, German and Spanish with some suggestions for work at different levels with support from the Northern Alliance language development officers.

They focus on practical classroom activities that link Languages with Literacy, Expressive Arts, Technology and Health and Well-being. Each book has a different theme linking to key events through the year. Why not have a look and try out some of the activities with your class.

Suitable for 3-8 years old. Added January 2022

Scots Doric L3 teacher resource

Added Sept 2021

Added April 2021

Added March 2021
Added March 2021

The play ideas contained in the above resource will help your child start to develop their knowledge of a new language. This toolkit encourages children to be active and creative.

Added March 2021

Integrating School & Home Learning

NEW RESOURCES - 1+2 Languages - Highland Council Digital Learning Hub

The First & Second Level sections for French now have a section called Let's Learn Together. This is sub-divided into the relevant topics for each level. For each topic there are 3 tabs linking to appropriate videos to introduce and consolidate vocabulary, songs, games and some worksheets.

Added March 2021