Transgender and Non-Binary

Our Commitment

KGH believes that diversity and inclusion brings benefits to the Company and that people work better when they can be themselves.

The Company is committed to welcoming and supporting transgender and non-binary colleagues and removing barriers. KGH provide a working environment that is free from discrimination, harassment or victimisation, ensuring that transgender and non-binary colleagues are respected and valued.

Definitions and Terminology

Definitions and terminology regarding transgender and non-binary people are rapidly evolving. How you choose to identify and describe yourself will be respected by your managers and your colleagues. Inappropriate language and terminology will not be tolerated.


An umbrella term describing the diverse range of people whose gender identity or gender expression differs from the gender they were assigned at birth.


A term used by people who feel that their gender identity is not binary male or female. Some may identify as having no gender or being genderless whilst others may identify in between male and female, or as having a gender that is different to either male or female. Some identify as "gender fluid" meaning that their gender identity moves between two or more gender identities in different circumstances.

Your Employment


The Company recognise that transitioning is a process and will support colleagues during this time. Once KGH has been made aware that you will be starting, or have started, the process of transitioning, an appropriate point of contact will be agreed with you. That person will work with you to develop a confidential action plan to manage your transition at work. Key steps included in the plan are:

  • when and how an individual will present at work in their new gender status;

  • handling a request by the colleague to change their job temporarily during the transition process or to move to a new role permanently;

  • the point at which colleagues, especially any direct reports, will be informed and how this will be done;

  • if and how third parties, such as clients, should be informed;

  • how absence from work for reasons associated with transitioning (for example, for medical appointments and/or medical treatment) will be handled;

  • arrangements for changing the individual's name on their personnel records, email, security badges etc;

  • confidentiality; and

  • dress codes and / or uniforms.

No action will be taken without your consent. Regular review meetings will be arranged to ensure that the right support is in place, and enable the plan to be amended as things change.

If you are transitioning, you may wish to be redeployed on a temporary or permanent basis. Requests to be redeployed will be discussed with you and, where possible, the Company will seek to accommodate your wishes.

Where an external benefit provider requests disclosure of your gender status, your written consent will be obtained before disclosing your gender history and status.

Changing your Records

Any records that hold personal details will be changed by the time you present at work with your new identity. The Company will work with you to ensure that nothing is omitted.

Bullying and Harassment

KGH adopts a zero-tolerance approach to harassment, bullying or victimisation and such behaviour may result in action being taken under the Company’s disciplinary procedure. For more information click here.

Names and Pronouns

The Company will take all necessary steps to ensure your change of name/change of pronoun is respected.

Single Sex Toilets and Facilities

The Company will support your right to use the toilets and facilities appropriate to your gender from the point at which you declare that you are living your life fully in that gender.

KGH will agree with you when you wish to start using the facilities appropriate to your gender and how this should be communicated to colleagues. Any concerns raised by others will be dealt with promptly and sensitively and harassment will not be tolerated.

Dress Code

The Company will agree with you what flexibility in the Company’s dress code may be permitted to accommodate the process of transition or where a gender-specific mode of dress would be uncomfortable for you.

If you are required to wear a uniform, the Company will ensure that arrangements have been made to provide you with a uniform appropriate to your gender. The uniform will be available from the point at which you present in your new gender status.


All records that include details of your gender history will be destroyed in a secure manner, unless there is a specific reason for retaining them. This information will be stored confidentially in line with the requirements of data protection legislation.

It is your decision whether or not to reveal your gender status and history and the Company will respect your right to privacy.

Information relating to your gender status or history will not be disclosed to a third party without your consent.


The Company will work with you to agree what information needs to be conveyed to work colleagues and when the information should be conveyed. While the whole workforce may not need to know about your transition, people who work closely with you will normally need to know to ensure that a good working relationship is maintained.

You may wish to tell colleagues about your transition or may prefer this to be done by someone else on your behalf. KGH will encourage you to do what is best for you, and if you are not ready to tell anyone at the early stages, the Company will respect your wishes.