Training and Development

Learning and development is any activity designed to help you become more effective at your work by improving, updating or refining your knowledge and skills.

Your Responsibilities

The Company believes that your development is most effective when you take responsibility for identifying any opportunities for self-development which will enhance work performance through increased skills and knowledge.

This includes taking an active role in planning your own personal development, undertaking agreed development activities and evaluating the effectiveness of these.

Your Line Manager may also identify learning needs and opportunities in conjunction with you.

Learning and Development Opportunities

The Company provides a range of learning and development opportunities for you. These include:

  • Learning relating to the enhancement of skills for your current role

  • Learning leading to a professional or academic qualification

  • Management training

At Kew Green we trust you to take charge of your own development as you personally pursue outstanding.

You can find out which training courses are available to you over on the Training Development Toolkit.

Should you wish to attend any of these outstanding development opportunities, please request registration via your Line Manager and the Talent Development Team will be delighted to support you.

Further Information

If you have any questions or would like further information on learning and development, speak to your Line Manager.