Moving forward - Living with Covid

Our 'Kew Normal'

Although Coronavirus remains a health risk and we should remain cautious to help and protect others, it is important that we now learn to live with the virus.

Below you will find information on changes surrounding Covid-19 and tools to support you whilst ensuring that we keep our people safe, which above all else is our main priority.

Safety - Living with Covid

Although the legal requirement for isolation has now ended, the government are still advising individuals should remain at home for a minimum of 5 days if they display symptoms of Covid-19. We are following this guidance and therefore we ask you to remain off work for a minimum of five days, even if asymptomatic:

  • We advise you stay at home if Covid-19 is suspected (as for any contagious or infectious illnesses).

  • While face coverings are a choice for each individual (subject to geographical location) please continue to be mindful of guests and colleagues when working in crowded and enclosed spaces.

  • Please speak to your line manager if you need support. Don’t forget we also have the Employee Assistance Programme you can call on 0333 400 0545 (quote 73085). All conversations to this line are completely confidential.


Vaccinations are free of charge on the NHS.

We encourage our workforce to

  • read up about COVID-19 vaccinations via official sources;

  • pay attention to the information the NHS provides when offering a vaccine; and

  • be wary of misinformation around COVID-19 vaccinations put out by unreliable sources.

Rapid Lateral Flow Testing

We want to ensure your safety when working in our premises.

As a part of the onboarding process, all colleagues sign the "Agree to Report Infections" form.

We would like to remind colleagues that if they are showing signs of any infectious disease, then they should isolate as necessary. In terms of Covid-19, colleagues should test themselves if they are showing symptoms and should not attend work if they test positive.

Remote workers should not attend any site for any purpose if they have tested positive for Covid-19.

Returning to site is only advised once testing negative for 2 days consecutively. The Company will reimburse the cost of tests up to £2 per test through internal expenses. Tests are available at local pharmacies such as Boots.

Government Guidelines

Useful Links