The Company will not use CCTV for monitoring you at work or for finding out whether or not you are complying with the Company’s policies and procedures.

CCTV will be installed only if it is a necessary and proportionate way of dealing with a problem. The Company will ensure that all cameras are set up in a way that ensures that there is minimal intrusion of privacy, and that any intrusion is fully justified.

In areas of surveillance, signs will be displayed prominently to inform you that CCTV is in use. If you access the relevant areas, your images will be captured on CCTV.

Limits on the use of CCTV

CCTV will not be operated in toilets, private offices or changing rooms, unless this is necessary for the investigation of a serious crime or there are circumstances in which there is a serious risk to health and safety or to the operation of the Company’s business. CCTV will be used in this way only where it is a proportionate means of achieving the aim in the circumstances.

Covert CCTV will only ever be set up for the investigation or detection of crime or serious misconduct. The use of covert CCTV will be justified only in circumstances where the investigator has a reasonable suspicion that the crime or serious misconduct is taking place and where CCTV use is likely to be a proportionate means of securing evidence. Any covert recording will be strictly time limited.

Evidence from CCTV Footage

You should understand that you will inevitably be filmed whilst on our premises, and we will use such film records as appropriate in the furtherance of our security policy including where appropriate as evidence in any disciplinary investigation. CCTV images may be recorded and disclosed to third party organisations e.g. the police, for the purposes of preventing or detecting crime. If there are any concerns that you have committed misconduct, the Company reserve the right to use such evidence in disciplinary proceedings. The colleague will be given a chance to see and respond to the images in these circumstances.

Storage of CCTV Footage

Images from CCTV footage will be securely stored and only authorised personnel will have access to them. This could also include members of the People Team, your line manager, and managers in the business area in which the footage is taken. Information would normally be shared only in this way if the Company has reason to believe that a criminal offence or serious misconduct has occurred. The images will be retained only long enough for an incident to come to light and any investigation to be conducted.

You have the right to view images of yourself and to be provided with a copy of the images. To make a request for this you should provide the Company with a photograph or a description of yourself, together with the relevant time and date of the image, so that they may be easily identifiable.

You will be allowed access to such images within one month of the request, although in some cases, particularly where large amounts of data is processed, that time period may be extended to three months.