Electronic Communication

The Company recognises that the internet provides unique opportunities to participate in interactive discussions and share information on particular topics using a wide variety of social media. The use of social media can however pose risks to the Company. To minimise these risks, we expect you to adhere to the information on this page.

This applies to the use of social media for both business and personal purposes, whether during office hours or otherwise. It applies regardless of whether the social media is accessed using Company IT facilities and equipment or your own equipment.

Any breach and/or misuse of Internet, email, social media or any other electronic communications may result in disciplinary action.

You may be required to remove internet postings which are deemed to constitute a breach of this policy. Failure to comply with such a request may itself result in disciplinary action.

Electronic communications should never be used in a way that breaches any other Company policies.

The Company does not permit the use of internet searches for recruitment purposes unless you are authorised to do so.

You should never provide references for other individuals on social or professional networking sites, as such references, positive and negative, can be attributed to the Company and create legal liability for both you and the Company.

Social Media

Personal Use of Social Media

Personal use of social media is not permitted during working time or by using Company computers or mobiles unless expressly authorised.

Business Use of Social Media

If your duties require you to speak on behalf of the Company in a social media environment, you must still seek approval for such communication from your Line Manager. You may be required to undergo training and have certain requirements and restrictions with regard to your activities.

If you are contacted for comments about the Company for publication anywhere, including in any social media outlet, the inquiry should be directed to your Line Manager. There should be no response without written approval.


The contents of Company IT resources and communications systems are Company property. Therefore, you should have no expectation of privacy over anything you send, store, receive or print using Company IT resources.

The Company reserves the right to monitor, intercept and review, without further notice, your activities using Company IT resources and communications systems. You consent to monitoring by your acknowledgement of this page and your use of such resources and systems. This might include, without limitation, the monitoring, interception, access, recording, disclosing, inspecting, reviewing, retrieving and printing of transactions, messages, communications, postings, log-ins, recordings and other uses of the systems as well as keystroke capturing and other network monitoring technologies.

The Company may store copies of such data or communications for a period of time after they are created and may delete such copies from time to time without notice.

You must not use Company IT resources for any matter that you wish to be kept private or confidential from the Company.

Responsible Use of Social Media


  • Keep the focus on Kew Green Hotels

  • Post about achievements, special events or positive occurrences

  • Post lots of photos (making sure you have consent if colleagues or guests are visible)

  • Repost and share KGH posts

  • Remember to tag Kew Green Hotels

  • Check the spelling of your post before you post it!


  • Disclose any details on guests

  • Use bad, inappropriate or offensive language

  • Make negative comments about your workplace or if you have a bad day

  • Disclose any information on private events

  • Disclose Company sensitive information, figures or plans

Use of Email

Email is a business communication tool and should be used in a responsible, effective and lawful manner. You should not use the Company email system unless you have your Line Manager’s permission.

Both you and the Company can be held liable if you:

  • send or forward emails with any libellous, defamatory, offensive, racist or obscene remarks;

  • forward confidential information;

  • send an attachment that contains a virus.

If you receive a malicious or unpleasant email, you should not reply, forward or delete it. You should immediately advise your manager who will decide what action to take.

If you receive an email that contains a threat of any kind, whether directed at you or someone else, you should immediately advise the most senior manager on duty.

You should take the same care in drafting an email as you would for any other communication.

Emails should be answered within 24 hours but you must endeavour to answer customer emails within 4 hours.

The email system is provided for business use. You must not send or receive personal emails using the Company email system.

If you use the Company email system, you expressly waive any right of privacy in anything you create, store, send or receive. The Company can, but are not obliged to, monitor emails without prior notification. The Company retain copies of all emails produced or received on its computer systems.

Computer Use

You must not load any data or applications onto a Company computer without prior approval from your Line Manager, except data (not applications) originating on another Company machine.

You must not copy any programs for use on another machine. This may be a breach of licence agreements as well as theft.

If you use Company computing systems within your role, you will be allocated a password. You must not share this with anyone else and should immediately inform your Line Manager if you think a breach of security may have occurred.

The use of passwords to gain access to the computer system or to secure specific files does not provide you with an expectation of privacy in the respective system or document.

The Company will regularly check files on PCs and servers to ensure compliance with this policy, and this may include opening files that were created for a private purpose.

You may not use your own personal devices (computer, macbook, ipad or phones) for work applications including but not limited to email and google applications.

Telephone Use

Company telephones are provided solely for business use. In an emergency or important situation (not purely social) it is acceptable for you to receive an incoming call or make an outgoing call on a Company phone.

We will randomly, but not routinely, monitor telephone usage to check compliance with this policy. You should not assume privacy in any call made on a Company telephone. Monitoring will normally be confined to numbers, time and frequency. If there is evidence of abuse, you will be informed and subsequent call content may be recorded. The Company may also monitor call content:

  • if in our reasonable opinion there is evidence of breaches of other policies or contractual obligations, for example, confidentiality warranting further investigation and/or disciplinary action;

  • to ensure compliance with quality or other standards in dealing with customers, suppliers or other third parties.

Mobile Phones

We want our guests to feel that they have our full dedication and time so we don't want them to see us on our personal mobile phones! Mobile phones should not be carried or used whilst on duty except with the authorisation of a Line Manager or unless the use of a mobile phone is required as part of your role.

It is not acceptable to make or receive calls on personal phones whilst on duty. Personal calls must only be made during off-duty time and away from guest areas. Mobile phones must be kept in lockers, away from the operation.

The Company will accept no liability for loss or damage to personal mobile phones.

Sending text messages or digital images that are or could be deemed offensive is strictly prohibited.

The photographing or filming of fellow colleagues, guests, customers, visitors or any member of the public without their consent may breach an individual’s right to privacy and could in certain circumstances constitute harassment. Should you be found to have used a mobile phone in such a way, you will be subject to the Disciplinary Procedure.

If you feel you have been a victim of harassment in this way, you should bring it to the Company’s attention immediately.


Company Property

It is your duty to ensure that confidential information about the Company is not passed to third parties. If it happens by accident, or if you are approached by someone requesting confidential information, you should immediately inform your Line Manager or a director.

Occasionally you might be asked for confidential data by an external authority appearing to have the right to demand the information. Examples could include HM Revenue and Customs, the police or a local authority officer. The request must be referred to a Line Manager, unless you are in a management role and dealing with such issues is part of your normal responsibilities.

Occasionally you may come across information left on Company premises by a guest or a third party such as a supplier. This information is sensitive, confidential and must be handed in to your Line Manager as soon as possible. This should not be shared with anyone outside of the Company.

You must tell your Line Manager immediately about any actual or potential confidentiality problem. If there has been a breach of confidentiality, the Company needs to know quickly.

Company property must only be used for the purpose for which it is intended and must not be removed (either physically or electronically) from Company premises or grounds without the prior approval of the Area General Manager or your Line Manager.

You are responsible for all property, equipment, materials and information issued to them, including uniform, vehicles, documents, equipment and computer files.

You agree to maintain in good condition all of the Company equipment and property and to ensure that all reasonable steps are taken to prevent their damage, loss or theft.

You must not use any Company property, equipment or materials for any purposes other than Company business unless you have the permissions of the Area General Manager or your Line Manager.

You are responsible for any loss or damage to Company equipment not kept in accordance with these rules and any expense to the Company resulting from such loss or damage may be deducted from your wages.

On or before your last day of work, you must return all Company property in your possession to your Line Manager.