The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a virus that damages the immune system. The term AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) is used to describe a range of illnesses (that can include severe infections and cancers) that attack an individual's immune system after they have been exposed to the HIV infection for a prolonged period. The Company aims to provide a fair and supportive working environment that is free from discrimination and prejudice for colleagues living with HIV.

HIV cannot be passed on through normal workplace activities. It cannot be transmitted by sharing crockery, sneezing, sharing toilet facilities, hugging or through food preparation. The Company will not require any colleague to take an HIV test or disclose details of their HIV status.

Disclosure and Confidentiality

There is no legal obligation for someone living with HIV to inform their employer of their HIV status, however, the Company encourages colleagues to approach their manager to disclose their status so that they can request any reasonable adjustments that they may require.

Where a colleague does disclose their HIV status, this information will be treated in confidence. Only people in the Company with a genuine need to know, for example Line Managers, the People team or Occupational Health professionals, will be informed and only with the consent of the individual concerned.

The Company will ensure that individuals' personal data, including data relating to their health, is handled in accordance with its data protection policy. Any breach of confidentiality will be treated very seriously and dealt with under the Company's disciplinary procedure.

The management of colleagues affected by HIV or AIDS will be consistent with the management of colleagues living with any other serious or potentially progressive condition. The Company recognises that people living with HIV can lead full and active working lives, and that they successfully work in a range of occupations across the economy. It is therefore committed to supporting the continued employment of any colleagues living with HIV for as long as they are able to work safely and to acceptable standards. Every reasonable effort will be made to enable colleagues living with HIV to work for as long as they can.